Interphase EDGE/x
The Interphase EDGE/x (IP/x) program is a holistic experience that combines academics, community building, and the best of individual development offered through the Office of Minority Education (OME).
The experience begins with an eight week summer component, during which scholars learn new problem-solving strategies, gain exposure to faculty from across the Institute, and begin to form lifelong relationships. Over the following two years, scholars are challenged to take full advantage of the MIT resources, thus gaining the most from their undergraduate experience.
Each year, scholars admitted into the program are divided into two groups, Interphase EDGE and Interphase EDGEx. Seventy Interphase EDGE (IP) scholars begin their summer portion on campus at the end of the June, and spend eight weeks transition to life on campus. Twenty Interphase EDGEx (IPx) scholars begin their summer portion virtually, and join their IP peers on campus in the sixth week of summer programing. In total, IPx scholars spend two weeks of the summer portion on campus.
In addition, the Interphase EDGE/x curriculum is uniquely designed to impart pivotal concepts that will increase long-term academic success. The program is designed not only to give students an "edge" on their MIT experience but also to catalyze their successes beyond MIT. During the summer and academic year, scholars will participate in a range of personal and educational development seminars and activities designed to ensure their smooth transition to college life.
Throughout the academic year, scholars will continue to build upon the relationships created during the summer by attending biweekly meetings with Interphase EDGE/x advisors and monthly professional and academic enhancement events, including programs that expose them to various career pathways.